Manjiri Indurkar reflects upon her reading of Adil Jussawala’s latest collection, The Right Kind of Dog

Lakshmi Gopal explores the language, philosophy and genius of noted Malayalam writer, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer

Abhirup Bangara reads through the meanings of Edgar Allan Poe’s tragic and supernatural poem, The Raven.

Sudeep Reguna discusses the interpretation of art as seen through Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time”

Arvind Radhakrishnan looks into “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, the novel that changed him, “perhaps forever”

Arvind Radhakrishnan explores the craft of writing through his observations of Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary.

Sudeep Reguna studies the works of two great writers in his pursuit to understand a society and its culture.