When a government curbs the freedom of expression, speech and assembly so that it almost non-existent, this is usually interpreted as a fear of upheaval….

Cheriyan Alexander writes about intolerant regimes that hound writers/artists from time to time and on the role of scriptures in the history of religious intolerance.

In this article Dr Peter Tyler reviews how psychology takes its understanding from its conception of psyche, especially in the relationship between mind and body. Drawing on the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 – 1951), he argues that it is more fruitful to see psychology as a means of ‘seeing the foundation of possible buildings’ rather than appealing to the pseudo-objectivity of science.

Cheriyan Alexander writes about intolerant regimes that hound writers/artists from time to time and on the role of scriptures in the history of religious intolerance.

In the final of a two-part series, Lakshmi Gopal gives us a view of the future of philosophy through her experience of the World Congress of Philosophy 2013, held in Athens.

In the first of a two-part series, Lakshmi Gopal gives us a view of the future of philosophy through her experience of the World Congress of Philosophy 2013, held in Athens.

Sushma Murthy studies the representation of feminism in language and translations, through the works of Nicole Brossard

Lakshmi Gopal throws light on the persecution philosophers throughout time have undergone over the ideas of equality that they propounded.